How to mod eu4

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Releasing a vassal that has a core on it.Selling or granting non-cored provinces to subjects to let the subjects core them (you may be able to annex them later).Coring provinces, which takes time and administrative power.It is advised not to go above 100% overextension as the severity of the risks rises dramatically. These penalties combined can really destabilize a country. Members of the Holy Roman Empire will be reluctant to support reforms while the Holy Roman Emperor is overextended. The base frequency is one bad event per year, with the time decreasing with higher overextension. Various nasty events will trigger, doing things such as lowering stability or hurting trade.Monthly chance of increasing progress to each uprising is multiplied by more than 3×, growing with higher overextension (though still capped at 75%.).In addition, the AI will view overextended countries more negatively, and will be more likely to either declare war itself, or form a coalition against that country. Please help with verifying or updating this table.